Jules Rampal – Osteopath in Saigon, Vietnam

Wee blog of a human being working as an osteopath

Chapter 1 – Forget the hands
Chapter 2 – Anatomy, anatomy, anatomy
Chapter 3 – The end product
Chapter 4 – The patient isn’t a matchstick-making machine
Chapter 5 – You just can’t see it
Chapter 6 – Is osteopathy out of place?
Chapter 7 – Feel wide
Chapter 8 – Osteopath in Ho Chi Minh for 1 month
Chapter 9 – Observation, baby!
Chapter 10 – Wax on, wax off
Chapter 11 – A kid is just a kid
Chapter 12 – About Biodynamic Osteopathy
Chapter 13 – Appears the patient
Chapter 14 – The difference between osteopathy and craniosacral therapy – Part One
Chapter 15 – The difference between osteopathy and craniosacral therapy – Part Two
Chapter 16 – The world as an inert matter
Chapter 17 – Body-Mind
Chapter 18 – A feeling for the organism
Chapter 19 – Nature as a physician
Chapter 20 – Healing, whole, and perception
Chapiter 21 – Motion and life


Chapitre 1 – Idée organisatrice
Chapitre 2 – Savez-vous, Arthur
Chapitre 3 – Créer son CV quand on est ostéopathe
Chapitre 4 – Utilité d’un modèle
Chapitre 5 – Ostéopathe à Ho Chi Minh pour 1 mois
Chapitre 6 – Un regard d’Indien
Chapitre 7 – Travailler en Irlande
Chapitre 8 – Imagination et science
Chapitre 9 – Méthode employée par A.T. Still pour le coccyx
