Jules Rampal – Osteopath in Saigon, Vietnam

Osteopathy in Ho Chi Minh City FOR ADULTS AND NEWBORNS

Your healing journey starts here.

Osteopathy is a great way to get your life back, feel less pain, and improve your health. It is 100% drug-free and not painful.

My name is Jules. I’m a French-trained osteopath working in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). I have more than 14 years of international experience, and I treated several thousand patients over the years in different countries around the world.

What is Osteopathy?

osteopath saigon
jules rampal osteopath Ho chi minh hcmc saigon
osteopath hcmc saigon

On this website, you will learn about osteopathy, how it works, and how it can help you, your family, and your friends towards a better life.

I offer pediatric osteopathy for newborns and kids, along with treatment for adults, and pregnant women. I studied for 5 years full-time and I speak English and French.

Based on the principle of immunity, osteopathy aims to maintain balance in your body for it to be able to get rid of ailments such as lower back pain, headaches, neck pain, etc.


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Manual therapy to ease your pain

Osteopathy is a drug-free, noninvasive manual therapy. Osteopaths aim to help improve overall health across all body systems by manipulating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework using a wide range of techniques.

During your visit, the osteopath will assess you as a unique individual, reviewing all aspects of your symptoms and taking a detailed case history, which will help to determine your suitability for osteopathic treatment. This is followed by a relevant physical and clinical assessment to identify the patient’s problem including any diseases that might be responsible for their symptoms.

By looking at your body as a whole, the osteopath will define where to apply their techniques to ease your pain, increase your mobility, and improve your health.

saigon osteopathy HCMC osteopath

Osteopathy can help you with a multitude of ailments. Lower back pain, arthritis, shoulder pain, migraines…Here are a few examples of what osteopathy can do for you and your family.

Lower back pain can prevent you from living the life you deserve. Osteopathy can offer a safe and natural alternative to medications for treating lumbago.

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is an ailment that encompasses several symptoms including pain in the wrist and the fingers. Osteopathy can help you.

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Nowadays, many people suffer from neck pain. Osteopathy can offer a non-invasive option and help you get rid of your tensions.

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Osteopathy can help your body function with less inflammation and decrease pain due to the sciatic nerve.

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Many couples have difficulties conceiving. Osteopathy can help you. Osteopathy can improve reproductive function by addressing any mechanical blockages in the reproductive system. This includes releasing tension in the muscles, joints, and connective tissues associated with the uterus, ovaries, and other reproductive structures.

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Meet your osteopath
Jules Rampal Osteopath in HCMC Saigon osteopathy

Jules, your osteopath in HCMC

Osteopath since 2010, I graduated from the COP, in Marseille, in the south of France. I used to work in France, Malaysia, and Ireland and I now work in HCMC, Vietnam.

I’m used to treating adults, kids, newborns, and pregnant women. Having worked in different countries, I can speak both French and English. Following my 5 years of full-time studies, I trained in biodynamic osteopathy. I am a calm person and I also teach meditation online.

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