Author: Jules
Pain mechanisms and osteopathy
Pain mechanisms are a very interesting thing to study in order to change the way we treat our patients. Don’t worry, it won’t change the techniques you’ll use, because they don’t matter. But it might change the way you see things and the way you explain your action. And this is a big deal. How…
How to be more confident
If you are a normal human being, you might sometimes wonder what you would be able to achieve if you were as confident as Tom Cruise or as a TikTok influencer. Well, to be perfectly honest, I am pretty sure even Tom Cruise finds TikTok influencers utterly (overly?) confident, and even I, a cocky Frenchy,…
How to suffer less
I suffer at times. We all do, don’t we? Pretending the opposite would just mean that I’m in denial. Not really the point of writing articles here and sharing my thoughts with you, right? Having been lucky enough to live in different places around the world, I’ve met so many different individuals, and I have…
Knowing nothing
And accepting it
Headaches and osteopathy
What does a treatment look like?
Respect the rhythm of your meditation
Stop pretending you are in charge
What is meditation?
Definition: Doing no thing
Treating babies in osteopathy
Advice to young practitioners
An embodied meditation
Meditation isn’t for the mind
Arm pain and osteopathy
A skilled touch can help
Touch is like wine tasting
Start feeling
Should I meditate every day?
Give yourself a bit of space
Meditation or yoga first?
If you say yoga, you might lack perspectives.
The Stillness that lies within us
A never ending story
Stomach pain and osteopathy
A patient’s story